电视剧名: Shark Squad Season

年  代: 2018

国  家: 美国

类  别: 纪录片

语  言: 英语

字  幕: 英文原版

上映日期: 2018-07-13

文件格式: mkv

视频效果: 4K(3840×2160)

资源大小: 9.51 GB

片  长: 48 分钟

导  演: Ross Huguet

剧情简介: Around the world, a group of scientists are risking their lives to come face-to-face with the most fearsome sharks in the ocean. From researchers in Guadalupe attempting to attach a camera to a great white, to a dedicated \’shark lab\’ in the Bahamas investigating shark migration and overall intelligence, join a thrilling journey into the hidden habitats of these premier marine predators.

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