片  名: 主厨驾到4k
电影分类: 纪录片
国  家: 美国
年  代: 2021年
分 辨 率: 4K(3840×2160)
画质标准: SDR
音质编码: 其他AAC
电影声道: 2.0声道
帧数/FPS: 23.976 帧
电影语言: 英文原版
资源大小: 8.36 GB
导  演: Peter Ferriero
豆瓣评分: 7.3 分
剧情简介: ‘Her Name Is Chef’ is a documentary film by Pete Ferriero that spotlights six bad-ass, inspiring, sheroes of the kitchen. Each share their triumphs in cutting through the clichés of the restaurant industry, and explore how they broke down the doors to ‘earn’ the title of Chef. Host Leia Gaccione sits down with Elizabeth Falkner, Fatima Ali, Hillary Sterling, Esther Choi, Juliet Masters, and Caroline Schiff. They open up their hearts and minds to the world, leaving no stone unturned.
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