
导演: Ekrem Engizek, Timo Joh. Mayer
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 德国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 12 June 2018 (USA)
片长: 56分钟



It began in the water, it came on the land. It conquered our planet. The emergence of life is the most fascinating story, which our earth has to tell us. Accompany us on our journey through our earth’s impressive wildlife. Experienced camera people filmed on all continents. Shots from Central America, Australia, Asia and Africa are the base of this unique Documentary. Explore the splendid, colorful world of the coral reefs. Marvel at the diversity of life in Africa. Australia and South America. Experience incredible strategies of adaptation at diverse habitats. Vast shots, thrilling facts and rare impressions into hidden worlds

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