片  名: White.Noise
电影分类: 其他
国  家: 美国
年  代: 2020年
分 辨 率: 4K(3840×2160)
画质标准: SDR
音质编码: Dolby Digital Audio
电影声道: 5.1声道
帧数/FPS: 23.976 帧
电影语言: 英文原版
资源大小: 8.07 GB
导  演: Daniel Lombroso
豆瓣评分: 6.1 分
剧情简介: Eleven days after Donald Trump’s election victory in November 2016, filmmaker Daniel Lombroso started following a number of Trump supporters. Alt-right-activist Richard Spencer, influencer Lauren Southern, and anti-feminist Mike Cernovich are all fighting in their own way against what they see as disruptive forces in society.
Twenty-two-year-old Southern, for example, travels to Italy to single-handedly prevent refugees coming in by boat. We see her filming herself in a taxi while positive comments and love hearts flood in on her social media. When Spencer calls out “Hail Trump” at a gathering, right arms are lifted in salute – attracting the attention of international news.
Cernovich discovers just how influential he can be after the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017. While he subsequently uses that traumatic event to rebrand his own movement, even his wife starts to question his political convictions. After years of “white noise,” these activists begin to realize that their actions can have major consequences. Can they deal with that pressure?
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