片  名: Gutterbee 4K
电影分类: 喜剧
国  家: 其他
年  代: 2019年
分 辨 率: 4K(3840×2160)
画质标准: SDR
音质编码: Dolby Digital Plus Audio
电影声道: 5.1声道
帧数/FPS: 23.976 帧
电影语言: 英文原版
资源大小: 9.22 GB
导  演: 乌尔里奇·汤姆森
豆瓣评分: 6.3 分
剧情简介: Gutterbee is a character driven comedy about sausages and friendship. Set in small-town America, it’s a story about two hopeless dreamers who join forces in a quest to erect the ultimate German sausage restaurant. Gutterbee is also a social satire about the nexus of identity fear, where religion becomes an intellectual cul-de-sac, and racism, homophobia and intolerance reign supreme.
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